Find a bank to process your online payments
Find a bank to process your online paymentsOnline payments are processed by acquiring banks. Businesses can open a merchant account with these banks to receive payments from credit and debit cards.The acquiring banksAlliance and LeicesterAmerican ExpressBank of ScotlandBarclaycard Merchant ServicesDiners ClubHSBCLloyds TSB CardnetNatWest/Royal Bank of Scotland StreamlineUlster BankThe acquiring banks have strict requirements and it's possible that even the bank you use for your business current account may refuse you - see our checklist: applying for a merchant account.You will also have to set up procedures to make sure your customers' card details are secure, both when being transmitted over the Internet and when they're stored by your business.Subjects covered in this guideIntroductionSetting up a merchant accountChecklist: applying for a merchant accountUsing a payment-processing companySelling through an online shopping mallFind a bank to process your online paymentsPrint options - What are my print options
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